A Strategy For (Un)Urbanist Planning
Planning at the speed of dignity.
An industry leader in establishing transformative models for equitable land use, Thrivance Group is an accountability-partner to urban and transportation planning policymakers, regulatory agencies, and civil service agencies. A for profit, socially-responsible planning firm working, in the interest of racialized people, to bring transformative justice into public policy, urban planning and community development, Thrivance Group believes that race, place, and joy matter in defining individual and community outcomes.
Through project management, youth services, and community engagement, we strive in our day-to-day efforts to help fortify the spaces and places that are invested in the well being and collective healing of those who are most vulnerable to disparity, displacement, and disenfranchisement.
By leveraging an interdisciplinary approach, Thrivance provides anti-racist, dignity-infused strategies, technical assistance, project management, and engagement services across the urban planning sector.
Inspired by a research project that began in 2011, Thrivance Group was formally incorporated in 2020. Working to disrupt planning practices that compound marginalization, disparity, displacement, and disenfranchisement, Thrivance Group leverages dignity-infused methods to heal and empower communities and to co-imagine a more inclusive and trauma-informed planning industry. With an overarching intention of achieving spatial reparations, Thrivance Group prides itself on being pleasantly un-urbanist.
We are passionate about creating a world where everyone has equitable access to safe neighborhoods, beautiful spaces, social enterprise, healthy food options, quality healthcare, affordable housing, active transportation and clean air and water.
Thrivance Group is an umbrella entity that houses:
Thrivance Project - Project management, research, strategic planning, and community engagement. Specializing in policy development, project management, community organizing and building solutions that serve the unique cultural needs of communities, organizations, and individuals converging in the built environment. This amazingly revolutionary, multi-lingual group of consultants has expertise in fields like Anthropology, Art, Sociology, Pan-African Studies, Hispanic Studies, Women's Studies, Architecture, Queer and Gender Studies, Aviation, Public Health, and Public Policy.
Thrivance Place - Place-based programming that promotes collective healing, empowerment, and kinship formation with the support of wellness practitioners and advisors providing direct services as well as therapeutic event production. Thrivance Group’s well-known Un-Urbanist Assembly is a Thrivance Place initiative.
Thrivance Legacy - An intentional framework and blueprint for youth-centered services and advocacy with aspirations of direct service provision and supportive housing for Transition Age Youth across the state of California and to develop the next generation of urban planning practitioners, committed to our dignity-infused methodology. The vision for this program includes reaching into our network of healers, planners, community organizers, and youth leaders to promote strategic enrichment, political education and social justice.
The word "thrivance" is a direct reference to intersectionality. Thrivance theory asserts that the solutions and responses to interlocking systems of oppression must be interlocking systems which lead to holistic thriving.